Sunday, February 4, 2007

Holding on the wheel with two hands.

Good morning world.
It's is a new day.
Today is the day I made a new promise to myself.
It is something I can do!
Although sometimes it is hard.
When helping others or busy it often gets sticky.
I can't put it on the bottom of the list anymore.
It might make others wonder or question me
It will look, feel and sound different than before.
It might even hurt.
I might cry, worry and have anxiety because of it.
My true friends will understand it.
My family will be most proud of it.
My students will benefit from it.
I want it!

1 comment:

Tamara said...

What is it that I am chasing.
A new me, a new body!
A return to a smaller shell of me.
I have done it before and can do it again.
I am returning to the life of Weight Watchers because I can do it! It's time for me. Time for me to put my needs ahead of others.