Saturday, December 8, 2007

This time next week

...............I will have had another item on my LIFE List crossed off. It's been a huge "want" of mine for a very long time. Sitting in the front row of a Bon Jovi concert! My best friend Connie arrives on Thursday from Saskatoon and us two wild and crazy girls are making it happen. As grown adults this is the best time for us to enjoy the experience and remember it for a lifetime.

I have a countdown going on, well my friends know there has been a countdown going on since I bought the VIP tickets. Now if there was a way to meet the band and say hello, take a photo or two....let them know that they have had remained a constant. I have their music with me at all times.

7 more sleeps till it's "Christmas" in my world. Some may have an advent calendar but for me it's Bon Jovi. You will for sure join the countdown with me, won't you?

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